Last year I played with Chief Architect software. This year began in earnest laser measuring the hovel and creating a good representation of the hovel using the software.
The software enables users to draw and resize walls, doors, windows relatively easily. But as several reviews stated 'the software has a step learning curve'. I've made lots of mistakes, including wayward roofs and walls sticking out through the roof. Farzan was recruited online to mend my mistakes.

The software enables users to experiment with designs and see them in 3D. This will help us to agree a clear design and prevent the dreaded 'extras' that builders charge when clients change their minds during construction.
It also has a fantastic costing tool. The software calculates the total size of interior rooms and exterior walls etc.Users can add costs (per sq m.) for raw materials and the software automatically calculates building costs for rooms or the whole building. The software can also generate plans suitable for planning permission submissions.

I'll share the final design when planning permission is granted. In the meantime below are some images from the software. Online possibilities are endless, including a palm tree with no roots in North Yorkshire.
