The planning application for the hovel was submitted on 23rd May 2023. The process ground quickly to a halt when immediately the planning authority requested a bat survery and an ecology (trees) survey. This 'stopped the clock' on the prescribed eight weeks to receive a response.
After bat and ecology surveys were submitted on 19th July the clock started again. According to the eight-week timescale we should receive a response by 13th September.
Since there were plenty of internal, non-structural, jobs to be completed, work continued. Between weddings and holidays.
Delightful wallpaper with pink roses has been removed.
Ceilings have been taken down, with the help of a New York banker.
Stud walls have been removed.
And finally, the first constructive thing completed at the hovel so far. A wall has been painted. This was a bit silly because it will have a window inserted (planning permitting). But the satisfaction in preparing a messy wall with filler to smooth out dents and holes and then painting it was lovely. Particularly, after weeks of destruction. The picture does not do justice to how beautiful and white the wall looks 😂